Hello, all
Sorry for taking so long to get this blog going. By now you are well into the book. I'd like your comments on /responses to one of  the following: You do not have to comment on each - these are simply ideas to get the discussion going. You could comment on something quite different as well.
WARNING: In your comments, do not give away too much plot - some people may not have read as far as you have!  Anyway,  here are some starters...
1. What do you think about the narrative style and structure of the book? (Consider the way the book is structured with two alternate "voices"?)
2. What do you think about the type of language used? Should swearing be "allowed" in good books that you are given to study?

5/7/2009 09:22:14 am

i found the style of writing strange, because it makes you think like the person who is speaking. The "swearing" is part of life, and if you were in their situation, you would swear as well. Shrimps are good with garlic by the way.

5/7/2009 04:41:47 pm

i found this style of writing really confusing, because you have to switch characters quite often, and sometimes you get stories confused and get muddled up and have to read the whole page again. i prefer the normal styles of writing.


Chelsea :)
5/8/2009 02:53:27 pm

I think that the text is good, although slighly confusing (I agree with Rebecca). I also had to read certain pages over more than once to work out who was talking. it wasn't until I had finished the book that I realised Shelter's writing has Daily Entry or something written at the top of the page.

Chelsea P)
5/8/2009 02:55:01 pm

Oh and I also think that the slang words used took a while to pick up on e.g dosser means homeless person, punter refers to the people they are begging off, dosh means money etc.

5/9/2009 11:27:51 am

I think the style is good, because it different to other books, but the story isnt that captivating. Its also confusing how they swap characters.

p.s : Shrimpz r good with garlic AND pepper AND chillis !

5/9/2009 02:56:02 pm

I quite liked how the story was set out and how it was written. It's different from other stories. I also liked how both of the stories came together at the end.

5/10/2009 02:18:20 pm

I wrote my comment on the wrong blog. Any way I found the end of STONE COLD quite sad because Gail just sort of left Link after all that had happened and do you think that she really loved Link or was she just trying to make Her stories more interesting?? I enjoyed the way the author linked the two character by getting them to run into each other and to see Link from shelter's point of view and the same with shealter from link's. It gave the story more depth. 7 out of 10

5/10/2009 02:32:48 pm

Yea i found the book easy to read.
I like how each chapter was quite short and sweet

Amy +]
5/10/2009 04:31:15 pm

I didnt really like the book that much because it was a bit dull,like there was this really big lead up to an event and then afterwards it just ended really bad...like boring ,to short, bad...well thats just what I think.It was a bit dissopointing for me.The style of writing was mostly good but sometimes it wasnt very interesting.

and Cat...Good way to not ruinning a story lol opening sentence was how the story ended =]......Even though people have probly finshed.

5/11/2009 01:56:09 pm

Sorry for ruining the end but if you havn't finished it by now then (sorry) but you should be ashamed! Any way nobody's answerd my question about if gail really liked link or not???

5/11/2009 02:34:59 pm

Gato. Creo que podría haberse convertido en Gail atraídos por vínculo de alguna manera, ellos están juntos primo les dio un fuerte tipo de bono. Que creció una buena relación
which means:
Cat. I think that gail could have become attracted to link in some way, cuz them being together gave them a strong sort of bond. They grew a good relationship.

Amy +]
5/11/2009 02:58:57 pm

Cat I dont think anybody cares...its not exactly the main plot is it?lol

5/13/2009 07:00:48 am

they be good with the been english. anyhow, this was a nice. me and antonie were studying in was studying libraried. Play is going to be the fun goodness. JOIN PLEEZ

5/13/2009 07:03:04 am

what ben is trying to say is anyone who wants to join our rollplay trhing can, psychiatrist and shelters psychiatrist have been taking

sol AsSaSn (Logan)
5/13/2009 07:09:02 am

da book was al gud. i foud it a borin read but. the polt(s) wernt dat gud. i stil read da whole book dow

5/13/2009 07:11:41 am

I think tthe book was a little bit on the boring side, but the crazy killer guy SHELTER made the book readable.

5/13/2009 10:18:08 am

Who's joe bloggs??
Is it a mystrey???

5/17/2009 02:15:28 pm

Hey everyone.
have you worked out how to relate the plot of the book to your speech???
Also who is joe bloggs??? I didn't think there was anyone in our class called Joe let alone Joe Bloggs!!!!

5/17/2009 02:17:52 pm

And to answer Mrs Botha's question about swearing. I think that it should be alowed if it has something to do with the situation that the character is in or if that the kind of person that character is.

Joe Blogs
5/18/2009 09:13:11 am


Benjamin, the guy who knows who Joe blogs is
5/18/2009 09:16:02 am

i wont tell anyone who you are
"Joe Blogs"

Joe Blogs
5/18/2009 01:01:56 pm

That's a good boy Ben

5/23/2009 06:21:09 pm

Hi Everyone

Firstly well done to the diligent
bloggers. Thanks for responding to the questions - to a greater and lesser
extent :) Firstly re the structure -I am glad you recognised the importance
of this technique in creating and maintaining interest, in contributing
to the development of the characters and
in providing the two perspectives.
Secondly, I would agree with the comment that bad language is useful in
creating and developing character.
Talking of which ... I am glad that
Gail has been mentioned. On the one hand I think she was a bit of a user.
She manipulated Link in order to get her story. On the other hand, she did
help Link. So... what do you think?
Is she a hero or a villain?

P.S. BUT IMPORTANT : Please keep this thread free from social chatter - you may use the other thread for that.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2009



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